Joe & Friends Episode 1_Cancer Free for 62 months: a double deflowering story

2 teens lose their virginities to each other


PS: I would love comments on this story, but spammers have abused the anonymous comments privilege. PM me comments, please.


Freya Reynalda Idyl-Gliese was a survivor of several close calls. She was born in the United States, the daughter of two foreigners to the US as well as each other’s home country. Her father was Scandinavian and her mother was a small percentage Hispanic but mostly mix of mostly south and Central American tribes who were there millennia before Cortez and Columbus. Freya survived a hurricane that hit the village her mother was born in (herself, her siblings and her parents were visiting at the time). She survived encounters with bears and moose when she wondered off while visiting the village north of the Arctic circle that her father was born in. The most anxious brush with death wasn’t anything nature threw at her from outside her skin. It was summed up in two medical terms: “breast cancer”, and “total mastectomy, right”. The hurricane, wildlife encounters gone potentially deadly and the big C all happened before she turned 14.

Freya was now as fully developed as she’d ever be. She was 5’ 10” with some padding just enough to give her a nice Shakira-like ass and make her ribs imperceptible to the naked eye and a soft touch. She was debating law school or advertising and was a stellar student in all areas but math and the physical sciences. She had only one breast and that was a B cup. Everything dragging down her self-image was the negative aspects of surviving breast cancer at age 13 (the complete lack of dating experience, no right tit, etc.).

Freya wanted a lover, unfortunately she couldn’t get past how her reflection was ‘different’ and the closest thing to a lover was her initials (F.R.I.G.). She was pissed at the whole of her life’s events from birth to 18 years 7 months. She had met a computer geek named Joe. Freya was a fabulous student when it came to most subjects but Mathematics at the Trig and Algebra level and beyond became totally unintelligible. Joe was the top programmer in overall skills and coming up with sweet, slick solutions to nerdy dilemmas (and he did even better in Math than he was in computer classes) and one better, he could explain it more easily than anyone else each and every person he informally tutored had ever met.

Joe was the one who encouraged and tutored her over her first semester. Joe wasn’t a total virgin, but he had just two sex sessions. Joe asked her out more than once, but never forced her to expand their relationship.

Shortly after her second semester and his fifth semester began, Joe handed her an invitation to his 18th birthday party. She was a bit confused, but she thought he had looked younger than 18 the whole time she knew him and she figured he was nerdy enough and overzealous to leave high school ASA Fucking P, so skipping a grade or two wasn’t too strange. She attended the party: it was a who’s who of the computer science and mathematics department (even every math and computer professor he ever had a class with were present). She was one of four women present and she was a bit disheartened that she wasn’t hit on by anyone except a curvaceous Indian chick with a Mumbai accent (Krishna Neyru) and a left hand that kept finding her ass as she spoke the lewdest comments about what she wanted her lips to do to Freya and vice versa. After that started, Freya tended to not exactly cling, but stay near Joe no matter what. After the party she told Joe about the “Bali-wood starlet look-alike” who tried to get her to switch to the all girl’s team.

Joe then said something that Freya thought was odd, “You are not a lesbian?”

“What gave you the perception I was a carpet munching dyke?” Freya wasn’t too careful about her volume, and this was the moment Krishna walked in to get her scarf. Freya noticed this and spoke to her directly, “Look, I don’t have a kill-them-all attitude about homosexuals, but that said, hearing intimate details about lesbian sex is more that a little unsettling. I would have told you then, but it was all I could do to not say, ‘hands off dyke’ in a loud voice.”

Krishna slinked out, not having any idea how to respond.

Joe sighed, “To answer your questions, there were two or three things I noticed: First one: I noticed was you turned me down every time I tried to ask you out (granted that’s typical for straight and bi-girls). Two: you turned down every guy that I’ve noticed hit on you (I’ve seen 3 times that didn’t have me doing the hitting). Third, you had no shyness hugging or kissing on the cheeks several women:” Joe rattled off the names of the ten women on campus. He knew the names but she knew each of those women well enough to recite their family trees back one or two generations (and had already met 40% of those relatives she could name) plus she knew why each of them broke up with every boyfriend they had since she met each.

“I am heterosexual in a way… frustrated, a virgin, but at the core a heterosexual who’s never had sex with anyone of any gender.”

“My sympathies.” Joe hugged her. “By your choice of words, you’d like to not be a virgin.” He stated, not asked.

“Yes.” She knew it was a statement, but treated it like a question anyway.

“You’ve got so much to offer, you’re witty, you’ve well read, you’re savvy in almost every subject that doesn’t involve multivariable calculus, Boyle’s gas laws, integrated circuits or Einstein’s theory of relativity… and of course, you’ve got one fucking hot body.” Joe said still holding her.

“Look at my chest, does it really look hot?”

“Yes. Over the last 4 school-months, I’ve noticed that you have padding in your right bra cup, and hugging you just now I’ve noticed what seems ever more padding… given you’re a Best-sized cup, that means you likely had something happen to you and you think you’ll never be seen as beautiful.”


“The cancer you survived…” Joe then used medical terms Freya had never heard before and ended the sentence with question inflection.

“No, the type I had was…” and spoke 3 to 8 words medicalese to describe the particular form breast cancer she had.

“You know when I suspected the padding in just one cup of your bra was related to a lumpectomy or mastectomy I looked up all the things that could cause a doctor to recommend that. After applying Occam’s razor to the possibilities, I read about 200 pages worth of data on breast cancer. And that did include post op images, two situations where the butchery of the surgery resulted in malpractice suits and one surgeon’s license cut up as well as–”

“Shut up!” Freya growled sharply, but didn’t yell. “I didn’t mean to be that mean. Different subject… I’d love to hear about a different subject.”

“Mardi Gras is next month… the 8th. Would you like to go with me?”


“I’ve reserved a room with two double beds. I had planned to share expenses with a friend, but no one’s willing. I have already paid for the room last father’s day. The travel website I used was great about giving this deep discount for 6+ months ahead of time.”

“And how were you planning to get there?”

“My car… it’s a 2003 Prius… yea, it’s more of a nerd magnet than a chick magnet and it’ll be in my possession of 2 years this ides of March but it’ll take all of 3 gallons of unleaded to get there, almost certainly less.”

“What were you planning to do?… assuming we go.”

“See some parades, try some of the local drinks, you know touristy shit.”

Freya gave him a look that he and his conscience recognized as ‘you haven’t fully answered the question, yet’

Joe continued, “And no, I don’t expect you to put out. Look, I find you very attractive both mentally and physically. We’ve been friends since you first came on campus practically. If you want me as a friend and friend alone, I only ask that you set me up with an intelligent friend of yours who doesn’t deserve to be hurt again, who’s both intelligent and who doesn’t mind showing it to people her intelligence doesn’t threaten.”

“It’s almost midnight… we won’t have much time either of our dorm rooms.”

“Yea… we could always drive along the highway…” He pointed at the North/South one that passes on the edge of campus, “just between here and the where the highway intersect with the interstate, there’s about 15 hotels… there’s got to be a few that cost less than 80 a night.”

“We have school tomorrow.”

“What’s your early class?”

“History… 9:30 a.m.”

“Mine’s physics with calculus II, lecture at 11 a.m… The lab’s Tuesdays at 8 a.m. and tonight is wednesday 13 January.”

She thought about postponing until Friday night, but she didn’t want to be a virgin and didn’t want to give either of him, or more to the point herself, a chance to chicken out (or in her case chicken out again). “Let do each other.” She grabbed his ass and French kissed him. He accepted her advance. Neither had ever French kissed before and both had a significant lick tide on their cheeks.

Professor Nick Sabin walked in because he noticed the light on. Prof. Sabin said 3 words to them, “Get a room.” Prof. Sabin constantly got teased because his name sounded like the coach at LSU that jumped ship for Miami, and this is also the genesis of his nickname.

“We’re planning to do that, presently, Coach.” Joe spoke playfully.

“You kids run along… be teenagers. Brenda and I will clean this place off.”

“Before or after…” Joe stopped in mid sentence because he heard boots that sounded something like a size 9 men’s boot with a mid-100’s pound person in them. Professor Brenda Jackson was not a small woman, but a phenom of mathematician in a full figured soul sista’s body (not BBW by any stretch of the imagination but as Sir Mix-a-lot rapped, “red beans and rice didn’t miss her.”).

Joe smiled at his multivariable calculus prof (all 161 pounds of her wearing her favorite shoes with ankle support): a brand of urban hiking boots, she was technically a women’s size 11 but with boots, especially, men’s size 9W fit her better. Joe said, “Good evening, Professora… till 8 a.m. Friday.”

“Anyone else in the building?” Prof. Jackson asked.

“Yes, Coach.” Joe replied.

“Nick?” Prof. Jackson asked

“Correct, Nick and us that’s it. have a nice night.” Joe replied (he was uneasy about using professors’ Christian names, even if only after hours).

“I should. You too.”

Joe and Freya walked out hand in hand. As they turned to face the elevator doors, both noticed Prof. Jackson was holding her shirt over her should by it’s collar with just one finger, both got a profile glimpse of her naked single-D right tit. After the doors close, Joe said, “It’s an open secret that the pair of them have sex; Coach and Professora Jackson.”

“Why call her Professora Jackson?”

“There’s 8 men who either have or seeking tenure on this campus with a last name that is pronounced Jackson. Except for the paraplegic in the history department Dr. Xavier Jaxon, J-A-X-O-N, all eight of the others: the seven men and Professora Jackson all spell their last name J-A-C-K-S-O-N. Prof. ‘Spook’ Jackson the physics teacher is lighter-skinned than most Scandinavians. But all 9 professors Jackson have some distinguishing nicknames or title variants. I’ve only met 4 of them. Professora’s twin bother, the geology prof, I’ve met socially is nicknamed ‘Mr. 24’. Mr. ‘24’ Jackson would tell you because his middle name is a Swahili word that’s a homophone for the swahili words meaning dozen and 2 (2 times a dozen is 24), but his ex-wife who had made a cottage industry spinning everything in the nastiest, meanest way possible for her ex, conceded that her ex was quote just short of 10 inches when hard and horny unquote… 25.4 centimeters is 10 inches on the dot, 24 centimeters would be a little shorter than 10 inches. Now, Dr. Xavier… That’s professor Xavier Jaxon… he’s bald and paraplegic but his skin tone’s much closer to George Forman or La Var Burton than Patrick Stuart, but we still call him Dr. X or Dr. Xavier.”

“You’re nervous…”

“You’re hit the head on the nail.” Joe deliberately swapped nail and head, just to hear her laugh.

She laughed, “Want me to drive?”

“If you’d like. My car or yours?”

“Yours… I’ll likely need to pack more, besides I still need to get a new alternator.”

“Why not get it checked out.”

“Well I had pulled it do just that. Sara was going to drive. We put it on the pic nic table as we closed and/or locked everything we needed to it rained, like it had been threatening to do for hours… between the time I set the alternator down and locked the car, lightening struck.”

“You look well–”

“The alternator.”

He chuckled, I don’t have the coin for a new alternator.”

“I got Daddy’s credit card, he visited Sunday and I shown.”

“Sara Willows?”

“No, McCormick.”

“She’s more the mechanically reclined than the mechanically inclined type.”

“That’s why I said I pulled the alternator.”

“Well, you’ve always been better at nuts and bolts of the physical sciences.”

“Come on that’s simpler than most of the shit I did in auto shop. I guess that where the misperception of me as dyke.”

“Pick you up, soonest?”

“How long?”

“I’ll need 15 minutes to walk to my room, pack up, walk to my car and drive to the front of your dorm.”

“Sounds good, I may be 20.”

“See you soon.” The parted company, heading to their respective dorms. Hers was 55 paces in one direction and his was over 6 times that distance in a completely different direction.

Joe was only 1:05 off his estimate, but rang her 15 minutes after the parted company. “I’m a minute away.”

“I’ll need a minute after I hang up… meet you in the lobby.”

He turned the engine off, in front of her dorm’s front door with the hazard’s on. It was 2 minutes past midnight and men were leaving the women’s dorm. He’d be asked to leave as soon has someone noticed he wasn’t streaming out with the rest of the men.

She exited the front door 5 minutes after she said 1 minute. “We need to make one stop before we crawl into bed.”

“What’s so urgent?”

“Condoms, I’m not knocking you up.”

“Alright, but let’s buy them together.”


They headed over to the drug store kitty corner from the Southeast corner of campus. After buying three different 2-packs (one “extra large”, and two ‘normal’ sized each “polyurethane” and “latex”), they got a hotel room. The hotelier made them both show IDs, then took the attitude: I don’t allow underage sex in my hotel, but I’ll rent to 18 year olds. He said, “happy birthday, sir.” as they walked to their room.

Once in the room, a nervous quiet fell over them. Finally Joe pulled off his glasses and gently placed them on the night table between the two double beds, pulled off his shirt and said, “If you’re going to be quiet, at least be kissing me.” and grabbed her cheeks and kissed her.

“I’ve gotta pee, be right back.”

She dropped her panties and walked out them, then removed her skirt all while heading to the bathroom. She waited to remove her skirt until she was at the door. She pissed for over a minute. Joe wasn’t timing, but did see the clock change from 12:15 to 12:16 seconds after she started pissing and it turned to 12:17 before the ‘rainstorm’ let up. They had one bed with all their stuff they placed on it (except for his pillow), but as she pissed he got completely naked and into bed.

She exited the bathroom and washed with some hand sanitizing liquid she pulled out of her skirt pocket. Freya held her arms high displayed her hairy bush for his inspection. Joe gave a wolf-whistle and licked his lips. She giggled like a schoolgirl, and climbed into bed wearing only a shirt and bra. Joe asked eagerly, “May I undress you?”

“Just my shirt, leave my bra on… the reason should be obvious.”

Freya’s legs trembled as Joe pulled off the covers and began gently stroking her legs and kissing her pubic mons and the areas near her bellybutton. Joe spent more than 6 minutes just teasing her like this. He then went down on her: a few shy licks at first — he’d never given a muff dive before.

Freya moaned quietly as she had her ass dragged to the edge of the bed so her pussy was over the edge and he knelt on two pillows from the other bed with one of her legs on each of his shoulders. Freya forced herself not to crush his head between her thighs. She couldn’t resist running her fingers through the curly hairs coming out of Joe’s scalp and occasionally pushing his head farther into her crotch. Joe couldn’t breath through his nose — it was being pressed near, but not directly on, her clitoris, but he didn’t know where precisely his nose was being pressed against. Joe panted though his mouth — the hot breath got Freya even randier. Joe pried himself free and panted… Freya was just moments away from orgasm and so desperate to get off by something other than masturbation.

“What!” Freya used a sharp shrill voice.

Joe was catching his breath and didn’t speak.

“I’ll do anything… well anything sexual that doesn’t involve multiple lovers or an audience.”

Joe didn’t try to think of something, he was too focused on just one thing, “No bra.”


“You want me to finish what I started, then no bra.”

She was too horny to be bashful, so she pulled off her titsling and he saw her one tit and the lack of breast, the lack of break or scar in the skin itself all but belied the ‘unnaturalness’ of the amputation. Joe had come across 16 pics of post op pictures when reading up on breast cancer, “The best I’ve seen so far.”

“Shut up and finish…” she said in a sultry voice. Then shoved his head towards her crotch.

Joe obeyed and started licking her public mons with slow strokes. He slipped his left finger (the one he gave the finger with) and gently hunted for her g-spot. Freya screamed in pleasure and barely got a pillow over her mouth in time to muffle the screams. Her upper body bounced up and down almost like a seizure when the pleasure hit her. Joe put his torso against her crotch to prevent her sliding off the bed. They worked together to reorient her body back to about the direction most people normally stretched out to sleep in. He went around the foot of the bed and crawled in next to her. She laid on her side and he did a reach around to cop his first feel on her naked tit, “Did I do good?”

“Fuck yes!” she spun around to face him, “I suppose you want me to go down immediately.”

“No, I want to let you enjoy the buzz of the orgasm for a while.”

“Orgasms, plural.”

“I gave you multiple?”

“Not exactly multiple, you gave me several small orgasms, then the huge one at the end… why’d you eat me through the orgasms?”

“I talked to several people on chat sites for sex advise, to a woman they advised me to not stop eating until after you stop moving… uh… I forgot what they used, but suffice it to say, they advised me to wait until you go still before I stop eating.”

“Really? Who in your family had breast cancer?”

“No one.”

“Why read hundreds of pages on the subject?”

“I wanted to help you.”

“Do you love me?”

“Yes, but in what way I don’t know. How real the emotion? I lack the experience needed to make such an assessment.”

“You know I still feel humiliated being topless. I could walk with just a bra and nothing else and not feet overly exposed, but exposing even just the void where my right tit was… I feel so humiliated.”

“I’m sorry, I was…. nevermind. I’ve hurt you.” He pulled the sheets up to cover both of them, her to the neck, him to the armpit. Then he slipped his arm under the covers. “What do you feel for me?” He kissed her gently on the forehead. “Forget the socially correct thing to say, the truth would be better here.”

“I don’t know what I feel for you… beyond gratitude for getting me through Math 99 and Math 100. I wouldn’t have passed them without your patience. Also, I’m extremely gratitude about… you going down on me, I want to return the favor and I’ll try tonight, but I’m scared I might not finish what I start.” She didn’t realize her grammatical errors.

“I’m not going to be mad if you can’t… disappointed definitely, but not mad. Let’s cuddle and when get the nerve to start, just slip under the covers and start sucking.”

“We’re both sweaty.”

“We could shower.”


“You could wear my t-shirt.”

“In the shower? Why?”

“I’d like to shower with you.”

“You’d do that for me?”


“Then I’ll go naked, get out and get the water started before I change my mind.” He got out and got the shower started and put all the supplies (washcloths, towels, etc.) within easy reach. All she did was put on a shower cap, using the mirror to check herself and see if she had any stray hairs. She caught a sight of herself naked and questioned whether he was just horny, he loved her for her mind or he really could love that (referring to her reflection).

She stepped into the shower and stood there as he ran the washcloth over every inch of her. She found herself getting wet. Eventually it was her turn to wash him off. She had no idea how typical Joe’s 6.7 to 7.0 inches was, but she lingered over it, and Joe decided to let her play as long as she wanted to. He knew he had several loads and willing to fuck her until his seeds ran dry if she was willing.

“I didn’t think a handjob would feel this nice, do this as long as you like.”

She stood got close and began to ask what a handjob was but a fountain of white fluid interrupted her, hitting her tit, her ‘tit void’ and the underside of her jaw as well as in her bellybutton. “Well, that answers my second question.”

“Which would have been?”

“Do you think you could cum if I kept doing? My first question’s answer was an obvious yes.”

“I couldn’t have imagined that a handjob could be that pleasurable. What was you’re first question?”

“Is this feeling good for you?”

“Thank you for the orgasm.”

“Was that cumming quickly?”

“Yes… I’ve been so horny, so itching for release ever since I saw your naked ass walk away to the toilet. Based on everything I know or at least read… when you’re as horny and wanting it as much as I have been tonight, the second one isn’t nearly as quick.”

“Okay fondle me and rinse me.” He smiled and regained his erection as he fondled her and necked her. He didn’t realize that the different taste on two of his licking kisses on her neck was tasting himself. Freya was sheepish about being felt up, so he focused on feeling her down… her flat tummy her bushy pussy, her tone hips and round ass.

She bent forward and put her hands on the nozzle end of the shower-tub combo, “Feel free to fuck me here and now.”

“I want to be a father someday, but not nine months from now. I’ll put on a condom and be right back.”

“Wait, that’ll make your dick taste nasty. I’ve smelled condom lube before and it’s got a revolting taste, if the scent’s any guide. Let’s dry off then stand you against the wall.”

“As long as it’s not a third world country kind –”

“No, you’ll be doing the shooting.” Once in the bedroom, she said, “Be a dear and move the pillow to in front of your feet.” She took his dick in hand and made a curiosity inspection all the parts of his manhood. She investigated it with her eyes, her fingertips and even licked his scrotum before touching any other part of his manhood with her mouth.

“Don’t sweat trying to get me all the way in. The head… the dark colored part,” (tapping his dickhead) “has more than half the nerve endings of almost every man’s dick.”

“Then why would anyone want to deepthroat a guy?”

“Because its more cramped in the throat and the combination of suction and pressure supposedly feels real good. I’d love to try deep throating anytime, but we can go on and chat with some people who’ve given deep throat blow jobs and get you some pointers if you’d like.”

“I would.” She smiled and paused, “And keep up the fabulous muff dives and you might just find this little purple thing pressing against my tonsils.” Stroking the very tip of his penis with a finger.

He nodded. She opened up and took two of his inches and instantly backed out to taking only his head in. She salivated much more that she thought possible. He stood there and took it. He sighed in pleasure and contentment and stroked her scalp (deciding not to shove her head closer). After 10 minutes, he was no closer to cumming, her teeth had scraped his cock more times than he cared to keep track of and he pulled out and ushered her to her feet. He French kissed her and grabbed her ass, then asked. Do you still want to suck dick or you wanna get fucked?”

“Have I been hurting you?”

“Not seriously, but I don’t demand perfection, I just want mutual pleasuring.”

“What did I do wrong?”

“Teeth. I could feel your teeth and that’s the hardest thing to do, get a nice tight seal without touching the cock with your teeth… maybe if I laid down and laid down off to the side or between me legs, it’d be easier for you to not scratch with your teeth.”

Freya was upset, not with the messenger but that she fucked up what should be pure pleasure for him. Joe held her and said, “Look if you were doing serious pain, I’d have stopped you.”

“I know you want to use a condom to not knock me up, but for your first few thrusts, could you do them naked, then pull out and let me put on the condom.”

“Sure. It’s your first time, you’re in charge.”

“I don’t want to give you… or him… any more pain, so let’s get together and chat with those cocksuckers you call friends and get me some good advise. I mean I really don’t want bite your head off, about this..”

“Ow… that would be bad.”

“Well, let’s lay together and pop my cherry.”

At this point Joe got nervous… there was no rewind if he messed this up. He couldn’t immediately find her pussy from behind with her laying on her side.

“You found my pussy when I was on my back.” She rolled onto her back, legs spread maybe halfway between fully closed and straight angle split.

“Let me put a pillow or two under your ass.”


“It’ll make it easier to put flap P into slot V.”

She was a little too tired for those words to immediately hit her, but she mumbled the words slowly to herself and broke out laughing. She willingly handed over the two pillows he asked for, one of the hotel’s and his own. Once she got ‘jacked up’ on the pillow platform. He carefully inserted while both of them watched. He thrust into her gently at first but harder and harder until she said it was too hard then eased off. They almost forgot about condoms until his dick fell out. He had almost rolled on the rubber when she insisted on doing it, just before the latex met the flesh at the base of his dick pulled his high up and away from her roughly as she kissed where his cock met his scrotum and whispered. “I didn’t mean to bite. I promise to suck you without you feeling my teeth.” Louder she said, “Put that flap back in my slot and there better be another white fountain.”

“You really know how to inspire performance anxiety.”

“I try.” She smiled as she sounded a smart ass tone. He pounded her cunt (she got into it and demanded more and more forceful pounding). He stopped before he came just from exhaustion. She rolled him on his back and rode him.

He fondled everywhere but her tits (too emotionally sensitive for her to allow it) although she was willing to lean forward and let him do his hungry baby imitation. He came but she didn’t, this didn’t sit too well with her. She let him throw away the cream-filled rubber and then he returned and suckled on her clit and massaged her chest. A vile taste of condom-lube mixed with her lube kept him out of her honeypot but just tried harder to give her clit a blowjob while he frigged her with his left hand. Finally she couldn’t hold back anymore and had a squirting orgasm.

“Let’s let you enjoy the buzz and then we can wash each other up, clear off the other bed and fall asleep together.”

“Alright, but I may fall asleep here, make sure to wash me and move me, I don’t want to spend the night in the puddle of my own cum.”

“I understand.”

“Did I bleed?”

“A few drops, maybe 2 at the least, but nothing life threatening.”

“I wouldn’t call that painful… I’m sore, but I think that’s more having my legs spread farther than I can without being pushed apart.”

“That would do it.”

“Help me up, Joe.”

They took the last washcloth and shared it… washing each of their crotches. Joe began by washing hers then immediately excused himself for a bathroom break. He was in too much of a hurry to close the door. Freya knew what hole his cum came out of, but this formed the basis of a question she couldn’t stop herself from wondering but couldn’t bring herself to ask: … if that’s where the piss comes out of, what hole does his cum come out of?

She turned and silently watched him hold a 3~3.5 inch, placid dick and piss. She held the washcloth, turned the side that washed her so it was against her hand. She washed him and he plumped to rock hard in her hand. She squatted (not knelt) before him and licked his cock and scrotum. She put her lips to his shaft and hummed a long and tuneless hum. She closed her teeth together then turned his cock so the purple mushroom was between her lips and stopped from advancing past the white gate. She hummed again, tunelessly. She sucked down his scrotum one ball at a time. She then opened her mouth wide and shoved a pair of inches in her mouth, kept her lower jaw dropped and licked his head, “I can’t delay, I’m cumming.” He tried to pull out but she grabbed both hands over the base of his dick (one atop the other). She sucked his purple head even harder and more frenetically. “Thank you… please drink every drop you can.” and shot 6 salvos into her mouth and another against the back of her throat. That one made her choke. The first six didn’t make her choke because she put her tongue against his head and the splatter on the underside of her tongue then fell onto the floor of her mouth and finally vacuumed up by her swallowing action.

“Thank you,” Joe repeated and then kissed her on each cheek, then French kissed. He tasted a stray drop of his cum but didn’t care (not like it was toxic or anything). He held up an out of breath Freya as they shared his toothbrush and went to bed. Joe didn’t think twice about it, he had essentially unprotected sex with her halfway to filling her cunt with the white stuff and French kissed her for at least 5 solid minutes (if one would take all the disparate tongue duels and string them continuously). Anything he could’ve caught from her (from the common cold to anything contagious and more deadly, he would have). He didn’t believe he’d catch anything because she was a virgin who’d never got anything injected by anyone other than someone in a labcoat and a valid medical license.


“What, lover?”

“I’m curious… do all guys’ dicks shrink so little… I mean their placid size and full size isn’t more than double?”

“I don’t know. I know most erotic fiction I’ve read had a 5 to 1 through 7 to 1 placid to erect (if mentioned at all), but I don’t know why. I know the golddigger teenager that tried to off Granddad commented to a girlfriend over the phone my granddad being that way… Granddad is my mother’s Daddy. Opa, is my paternal grandfather. I never heard anything about his dick except it worked at one time, might still work… but the only proof I have is he had 4 sons and a daughter, three of those boys were almost exactly like him in the face, especially Jowls and hairline. If I also turn out aging like Opa, I’ll be exceptionally lucky. Okay, when I hit 30, I’ll likely shave my head, but I’ve never been overly attached to my hair.”

“Why shave at 30?”

“Opa, my Dad and all three of my dad’s brothers started losing hair between 365 and 370 months after birth. If your math skills aren’t all there this time of night, that 30 years plus 5 months to 10 months. Balding in random clumps.”

This brought up bad memories for Freya.

Joe accurately discerned what Freya was feeling. “I was insensitive again, I shouldn’t have said it with that much detail. You’re right it sounded like chemo side effects.”

“It’s not your fault.”

She had trouble getting to sleep (and so did Joe). Joe slept on his pillow — the pillow with the few tiny drop bloodstain and a whole lot of her juices soaked in (stain side down). Freya’s fragrance reminded him of all the sex and he relived a pale shadow of those emotions with every breath inhaled through his nose. They woke up, not with an alarm (which they didn’t set), not with the sun (who was blocked by the thick window shade she had drawn as they entered), but by the maid. She stood mouth open looking at Freya and Joe in their Adam and Eve costume.

Joe’s favorite kid’s program pre-junior high was Villa Alegre (and still knew the Spanish that show taught him). The maid had many features that seemed to suggest both Southern Mexican/Guatemalan and Panamanian, so he spoke in his normal accent for English and a clear generic ‘New World’ Spanish accent for Spanish, “Good Morning. Buena Mañana.”

She smiled and spoke Spanish, too much in shock to close the door.

Joe thought this made had put on too much blush this morning, he was too asleep to realize that she was blushing and they had kicked the covers onto the floor during the night. “Que hora es, por favor?”

“Once, once.” The actual time was 10:59.


Freya stretched like a kitten and nickered like an bored or exhausted horse. Freya thought she heard Spanish so she spoke in a Spanish dialect so rural she was likely the only one who used this accent who wasn’t her own third cousin (or closer relative) and literate in more than one language (her words are translated into English), “Joe, what happens at 11:11?”

“Now, is 11:11 a.m.”

“When’s check out?”

The maid replied first in Spanish, “Eleven, but we can sometimes give guests until noon… the key is to ask nicely.” She repeated herself in English. Then got enough control to close the door.

“Where’s you learn Spanish?”

“Villa Alegre.”

“That’s where mama improved her English.”

“Oh… well. We’ve got a noon check out.”

“Ok, I’ll skip the shower then.”

“Pity, I’d like to wash you off again.”

“I want you to do that. I’ve got a female friend who likes to watch. If you don’t mind a small camera giving her a live feed, we’ve got a free place to play. If she’s not there we need to record for her.” She mentioned as if she had been compelled or bullied to make the offer.

“No recording, but I’ll allow her to watch us as long as she’s naked and in the same room as us.”


“I’ve seen porn flicks and I’d like to watch a couple live. I’m willing to allow someone you trust to watch us make love.”

“I dunno, give me a chance to warm up to it.” She was mulling over the possibility. A piece of equipment watching was much less intimidating to her than another person watching.

They started a more committed relationship.

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